Posts Tagged ‘Challenge Problems’

SC’08 Slides and Handout

December 5, 2008

You can get the slides and handout from the session at SC’08 at:

Proposed Challenge Problems

November 10, 2008

1.      Interactive HPC – exploring bandwidth sufficiency from the computational elements to multiple external users.

2.      HPC I/O Structure – HPC structure that best supports interactive users.

3.      Simulation as an IT Service – using HPC as the server-side of a ubiquitous software service.

4.      Fault Tolerance – auto restarting a job when a processor dies, and doing so without losing the partial data that was in the works.

5.      Processing Hierarchy – introduction of a processing hierarchy in the logic of simulation architecture design.

6.      Organizational Acceptance – technical and organizational challenges of using a shared resource for interactive simulation, rather than distributed commodity hardware.

7.      Parallel Programming – training the simulation industry in parallel programming techniques, vs. the network programming that has dominated for 20 years.

8.      Cloud Compute Environments – load-balancing and task assignment in a network of HPCs and traditional workstations.

9.      Interactive User Security – verification of users communicating with jobs on open ports.