SC’08 Bird-of-a-Feather session

For those of you who are attending the Supercomputing 2008 conference in Austin Texas (, we will be hosting a Birds-of-a-Feather session on the use of HPC for Interactive Simulation.

Date/Time: November 18, 2008, 12:15-1:15, Conference Room 9B

Kick-off Speaker: Dr. Tom Jackman, IBM Research, Visualization Systems

The community of academia, industry, and government offices that are leading the development of new interactive simulations for training and analysis are reaching a point at which the application of traditional networks of computing assets are no longer able to support simulation scenarios of sufficient scope, breadth, and fidelity. Several organizations are turning to high performance computing in the form of clusters and shared memory machines to create a flexible computing platform that is powerful enough to run realistic models of military activities and very large scenarios as a matter of course. This BOF will discuss the problem-space and experiments that have been conducted in applying HPC’s to this domain. The BOF continues the discussions and community building that began at SC’07.  
The objectives of this session are:

  1. Identify the organizations and projects that are actively applying the power of HPC to interactive simulations – such as training and experimentation exercises, online computer gaming, and similar areas.
  2. Exchange lessons learned on the work that has already been done.
  3. Build a community of practice in this area.
  4. Bring in the leaders in HPC to provide their advice and guidance in our efforts.
  5. Make application of the technology known to the larger HPC community.








If your projects can benefit from any of this we encourage you to join us at this BOF session at the world’s leading HPC conference. We will provide more details on the conduct of the session as the date gets closer.

Look forward to seeing you there.
Roger Smith, U.S. Army PEO-STRI
Dave Pratt, SAIC





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